Bufete de abogados Shirvanian Personal
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Orange County

Orange Car Accident Attorney in Orange

Auto Accident Attorney in Orange, California.

Orange Car Accident Law Firm

As one of the cities in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, Orange is connected to California’s busy highways. The longer you spend in heavy traffic, the higher the risk of a car accident, potentially resulting in costly damages.

If a negligent driver in Orange, California, caused you injuries in a traffic accident, you need the help of an attorney you can count on. Contact El bufete de abogados Shirvanian today for a free consultation with an experienced car accident attorney.

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El bufete de abogados Shirvanian


Qué esperar de nosotros

  • Actualizaciones de casos de rutina & Comunicación
  • 24/7 Acceso a nuestros mejores abogados en Riverside.
  • Promesa sin cargo: consigamos su compensación primero


Nos ocupamos de sus necesidades médicas

  • No se necesita seguro
  • Sin dinero de bolsillo
  • Sin esperar citas


Te obtenemos la máxima compensación

  • Obtenga dinero para su dolor & Sufrimiento
  • Recuperar salarios perdidos & Ingreso (regalo & futuro)
  • Transparencia de gastos (antes de & después de negociar)


Llamada El bufete de abogados Shirvanian hoy a las (877) 809-4223.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Orange

Although Orange, California, isn’t as densely populated as downtown Los Angeles, the traffic accident risks are similar to most urban centers in America. The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) reportado 647 accidentes in Orange in 2021. The most common causes of car accidents in Orange include:

  • Exceso de velocidad. Driving over the speed limit is dangerous. It not only makes it harder for drivers to react to potential dangers on time, but it also makes impacts deadlier. OTS statistics revealed that 80 auto accidents in 2021 were speed-related.
  • Reckless driving. Aggressive drivers are more likely to be involved in crashes or hit-and-run incidents, 25 of which were recorded in Orange in 2021. Examples of aggressive road behavior include tailgating, disregarding traffic signals, or changing lanes without signaling.
  • Conducir bajo la influencia (DUI). Drunk driving or driving while under the influence of drugs is not only illegal; it also alters the cognitive functions needed to drive safely, such as reaction times, coordinación, and judgment. According to the OTS, local law enforcement conducted a total of 584 DUI arrests in 2021.
  • Poor driving conditions. Rain, niebla, poorly lit streets at night, and other environmental conditions can reduce visibility and cause drivers to miss other vehicles, resulting in an accident. OTS statistics for 2021 showed that 67 crashes occurred at night, indicating dark or low-visibility conditions contribute to many accidents.
  • Conducción distraida. A driver is considered distracted if their hands, eyes, or mind are not focused on driving tasks or the road conditions. Distracted driving was responsible for 140 deaths in California in 2021. It is considered one of the biggest traffic safety concerns statewide.

What to Do If You’re Involved in a Crash

Being involved in a car accident can be an overwhelming experience. If you find yourself in this situation, following the proper steps and protecting yourself and your rights is essential. Here’s what to do:

  • buscar atención médica. Whether or not you can feel or see injuries, llamada 911 and request an ambulance as soon as you can safely do so after a crash. Many car accident injuries are invisible or can take several days to make themselves known.
  • Report the accident to the police and the DMV. Call the police and ensure they file a report of the accident. When the officers arrive, ask whether you can receive a copy of the police report. Depende de las circunstancias, they may provide instructions for obtaining a copy online or at the local Orange Police Department precinct. Después, contact the California Department of Motor Vehicles and report the accident by filing a Form SR-1.
  • Tomar fotografías. Take pictures of your car’s damage, lesiones, and the accident scene. Ensure each photo has a time and date. Note the weather, road conditions, and visibility at the time of the crash.
  • Exchange information with other drivers. Speak with the other drivers involved in the accident or nearby witnesses and exchange details. Gather everyone’s names, direcciones, números de teléfono, Detalles de contacto, y la información del seguro.
  • Contact your insurance company. Report the accident to your insurance provider as soon as possible, sin importar quién tuvo la culpa. Dependiendo de su póliza, you may be able to secure compensation for some of your damages and injuries.
  • Seek legal advice. Contact a local, abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos. Our attorney at El bufete de abogados Shirvanian can assist you with legal procedures, help you obtain additional evidence, and discuss your legal rights and options.

Who Pays for Your Injuries and Damages After a Collision in Orange?

After a car accident in Orange, the process used to determine who pays for your damages and injuries is California’s fault-based insurance system. California is an at-fault state with a pura negligencia comparativa system. Here’s what it means for you:

  • Any individual responsible for an accident you were involved in is required to pay for your injuries.
  • The compensation you are entitled to is reduced proportionally to your degree of fault in it. Por ejemplo, if you were 10% at fault in an accident, you can recover 90% of your maximum compensation amount.

Después del accidente, you can start the process of recovering compensation for your losses by filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Follow the insurance provider’s instructions and include as many details about the accident as possible.

The California Vehicle Code requires every driver in California to carry auto insurance with minimum liability coverages:

  • $15,000 or more for injury or death to a single person
  • $30,000 or more for injury or death to multiple persons
  • $5,000 or more for property damage

These amounts should cover all your losses, incluidos los gastos médicos, up to the policy limits. After filing a claim, the at-fault driver’s insurance claims adjuster will investigate the accident and review your evidence.

The law requires the adjuster to acknowledge and investigate your claim dentro de 15 días de presentación. En la mayoría de los casos, they should complete the investigation and either accept or deny your claim within 40 dias.

When You May Need an Attorney for Your Orange Vehicle Accident Case

Hiring an attorney to represent you after any car accident is generally a good idea because they can help you understand your rights and file thorough, error-free claims. sin embargo, if your situation is complex, un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos can help you recover the compensation you deserve. Work with The Shirvanian Law Firm in the following situations:

  • Disputed liability. The at-fault party or their insurance providers may try arguing they weren’t at fault for your injuries and delay or deny your claim. An experienced car accident attorney can help you gather solid evidence, obtain witness statements, and negotiate with insurers on your behalf. They can present the evidence and arguments needed to hold the at-fault driver accountable and ensure you are fairly compensated.
  • Handling insurance disputes. Even if the insurers don’t dispute the at-fault driver’s responsibility, they generally do not have your best interests in mind. They may use various tactics to pressure you into accepting a low amount, such as minimizing the at-fault driver’s responsibility or getting you to admit fault. A qualified attorney can protect your right to compensation. They can recognize these pitfalls, advise you on what to say and what to avoid, and negotiate with adjusters on your behalf.
  • Meeting legal deadlines and procedures. Knowledgeable car accident lawyers are skilled at navigating legal procedures. They can help you ensure you file a claim within the statute of limitations, minimize filing errors, and protect your case from being dismissed on technical grounds. Aunque los conductores de vehículos tienen la mayor parte de la responsabilidad en los accidentes ciclistas, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in California is dos años from the accident date.

Protect Your Right to Compensation with The Shirvanian Law Firm

The Shirvanian Law Firm has successfully represented the interests of California car accident victims for several years. The firm’s president, Narbeh Shirvanian, Esq., is a three-time recipient of the Super Lawyers Rising Star Attorney award. He has extensive experience handling complex car accidents and personal injury cases.

Choosing The Shirvanian Law Firm means working with an attorney who is prepared to protect your rights until you obtain the fair compensation you deserve. Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy gratis, no-obligation consultation to discuss your claim and legal options for compensation.

Para obtener los mejores abogados del accidente de tráfico que trabaja para usted, póngase en contacto con el bufete de abogados en Shirvanian (877) 809-4223